Canon Pro-2000
Framed Canvas Print
Canon Pro-2000

Posters/Photo Art

Our wide format printer allows us to print brilliant, vibrant colors on a variety of materials.
We offer high-gloss photo prints as our most commonly used medium. It prints vivid color on a professional photo quality paper. Great for posters, or large family photos as well as company posters, or anything else you can dream up.


Our second most common medium are very classy looking canvas prints. Get the same vivid colors as printed on the high gloss photo paper, but with the addition of looking as if it was painted on a canvas. Available with, or without the frame installed.

And many more

There are many other options available, those are just our 2 most commonly requested prints. We have the ability to print on 30+ different types of materials using our wide format printer. The possibilities are endless, and the quality is unparalleled.

Artwork Requirements

In order to guarantee the highest possible quality. The file recieved must be of a certain standard. A picture taken from your phone will not be acceptable quality. The following guidelines below have been established to ensure a sharp image every time.

File Submition

  • *Vector Files: eps, ai, pdf
  • Raster Files: PNG, JPG, PSD, TIFF, PDF
  • Color Separated. No RGB, or CMYK builds. Either B&W, or Spot Color Separated.

    Formatting Guidelines
  • All raster files must be at minumum 300dpi.
  • When converting vector to raster image, uncheck the "anti-aliasing" box.
  • Outline fonts to ensure compatibility.
  • Image dimensions should be exactly what size you want the finished product(In inches please).
  • Leave background transparent. If printing on a colored shirt, do not include shirt color in background.

*Vector art should include spot colors, or B&W. If artwork is RBG, or CMYK builds, color matching cannot be guaranteed.

If you have any questions about how to format files properly, you can contact us with any questions.